Put the FUN in Fundraising!

 In News

January 30, 2020 – Easy Ways to FUNdraise! 


Matching Gifts: Double your money with matching gifts! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees.


Customize your personal webpage with a photo and your personal story, for help contact info@takeabreakfromcancer.org. Personalizing your page has proven to increase fundraising two and half times than those that do not take that time.


Facebook Fundraiser: Fundraiser through Facebook is not integrated with our For Pete’s Sake, Walk website. Set this up through your Participant Center when you login through the walk website. Make sure you thank your Facebook friends that make a donation and post multiple times to ensure your friend base notices that you are supporting a great cause.


Network: Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social networking site? Use it to

let your friends and family across the country know about your fundraising efforts for the FPS

Walk! Include links to your event webpage.


Ask all your supporters to forward your email to 10 of their friends with a request for a donation, and to post about their support of your event on their Facebook pages.


Meet the Press: Contact the editor of your local paper, or your company newsletter – or both!

Ask them to interview you about what you’ve undertaken and why, and include a request for

support. Be sure they include instructions in the story for how readers can make donations to

FPS through your page.


Ask your barista to sell paper icons or donate a day’s tips to FPS.


Ask your hair stylist for a donation; if not in the form of a check, then perhaps in the form of

haircuts! See if he/she will host a hair-cut-a-thon in the salon, you can probably raise more

donations in two hours of haircutting than you imagine – be sure to get the word out!


Ask your yoga, spinning, aerobics instructor or personal trainer for a donation or a donated class. Invite your friends to attend a special class/yoga/aerobics/step donated by the trainer or lead the class yourself and their admission fee ($20 or more) becomes a donation. The instructor also gets the chance to build their client base. It’s a win-win!


Auctions: Be creative with what you auction off… some things may be more valuable than you

think! Some things to auction off are: prime parking space at work, desserts, homemade

dinners, local art work, etc.


Bake Sales: Hold a bake sale on a Friday, so your co-workers have a weekend treat!


Bartender: Ask your favorite bar if you can guest bartend for a night and keep all of your tips.

Make sure you invite all of your friends to come in that night!


Birthday party: Instead of gifts, ask for donations for the FPS Walk and support your team!


Book/CD/DVD Sale: Ask your family, friends, colleagues or classmates to bring in all their gently used books and reach out to local publishing houses, bookstores and libraries to donate overstocked books, cds or dvds. Spread the word, set up a table (at a mall or in an office/School lobby) and sell! Include a thank you bookmark with a photo and a link to your personal fundraising webpage.


Bowling Fundraiser: Have a bowling fundraiser after work. Invite all family and friends to

participate. Ask the bowling alley to donate or discount the rates but charge full prices to play,

with the proceeds going to your team.


Car Wash: Get your team together for a local town car wash. This works great for elementary

and high school teams too. Hold a car wash – either in your neighborhood, at your place of

worship, or at your place of business. Ask local businesses to donate the supplies you will need

and ask your friends to help wash the cars. Add a bake sale; sell chilled bottles of water (that

have been donated).


Casual Days: Ask your employer if they will allow employees to dress down or wear their favorite flip flops, sports jersey or hat on Fridays for a $5-$10 donation.


Change is Good: Change Jar: Did you know that one milk jug of pennies is equal to about $60? Each department/division takes a jar and the first person to fill it up gets a prize. Start off with small jars and increase in size each round. Prizes get better each round. You can also ask your child’s school

to place milk jugs in their classrooms to collect pennies.


Clean House: Have team members band together by donating items for one huge garage sale.

Advertise the sale wherever you can and make sure everyone knows where their donations are

going! Make signs that advertise that all the proceeds are going to support FPS. Ask your local

paper to run an ad as their contribution. Add a bake sale and/or lemonade stand and have an

FPS donation jar visibly displayed.


Coins: Go to your local mall or shopping center and ask what they do with the coins in the
