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Volunteers are the heart of our organization

We warmly welcome your involvement! There are many ways to volunteer with us, each offering unique opportunities that match different levels of time and talent. We work closely with every volunteer to find the best way for you to contribute to FPS’s mission. To explore our volunteer opportunities, click the boxes below for more details and fill out our volunteer forms. You can also contact us directly for more information. Please get in touch with Bonnie Miller at or 267.708.0510

If you are already a volunteer, please be sure to join our Volunteer Facebook Group to stay connected!

Join an event planning committee for our signature/family events or help us on the day-of with set up, registration, and more! You can also volunteer to plan your own unique fundraising event
Our 7 operating committees chart a path of success in our operations, annual development goals and future strategic initiatives. Guide our mission with your professional background skills!
Our Young Friends Society offers young professionals a chance to network, volunteer and fundraise. This is the perfect recipe for future success and provides a roadmap to philanthropy!
Partner your company with FPS for a corporate day of service! We host a "Take a Break" day that couples community service with the benefits of taking a mental break during the work day. We also recruit corporate volunteers for our signature events.
We offer volunteer opportunities for elementary through high school! Younger students can write notes to children traveling on an FPS respite and host donation drives for travel items using our Amazon wishlist. Older students can bring our mission to their school through by creating a Take a Break Club!
Help with clerical work at the FPS office in Plymouth Meeting and/or assist our program coordinators in creating respite packages and providing emotional support to the patients and caregivers we serve. We also host a monthly office volunteer group that meets one evening per month!