CEO Update

 In News

Mission Possible – Despite the Pandemic

As we say goodbye to our fiscal year at the end of June, we reflect on the positive impact our respite program has had on hundreds of people this year! Dozens have traveled and even more have been able to enjoy respite at home, all because of YOU!

We continue to advance our mission with monthly respites to Woodloch in our Travel Respite Program and our Staycation Respite program has proven effective for those too ill to travel. While we were unable to gather this last year, but for our wildly fun and successful Cornhole Tournament in Fall 2020, we celebrated our community in our Virtual Experience this past March! Click here to view it as it is amazing; get ready to laugh and cry in the same minute!

As we look to the future, we appreciate that respite is so critical to the continuum of care for cancer patients and their caregivers, especially given the isolation created by Covid. In our most recent appeal mailing, we featured three stories that highlight the unique journey each family travels when faced with cancer. I invite you to take a few moments and read each story below to learn more about the FPS impact! You can make a donation to give more families a break from cancer here. Make your donation by June 30th and it will be matched up to $15,000!

Read Devon’s Note

Read Kathryn’s Note

Read Lauren’s Note

The success of our program this year motivates us to continue to help families experience respite monthly with our travel partner Woodloch Resort!

We also look forward to gathering with our community together again soon! Join us in person or virtually. Bring some fun and laughter into your own community with a newly launched Cornhole for Cancer program. Grab some friends and organize a tournament in your neighborhood; check it out at

And most importantly, let’s live boldly together in community! Thank you for being a part of the FPS community!

With gratitude for all you do!






Marci Schankweiler, Founder and CEO