FPS Featured in People!

Extra, Extra! Read all about it!
For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation and our families are highlighted on People.com! Click here to read.
Our Respite Experiences are transformative, and the stories shared in this piece by People are the heart of our mission. We are honored for our FPS Respite Recipients to be featured in this special way!
A special thank you to Woodloch Resort for being the most generous host each month for families facing cancer, and to our friend, Jim Wright (MATRIX-MGMT) for taking the incredible photos used for the article.
To our kind and generous supporters who have helped us provide respite to over 10,000 people since 1999 – THANK YOU for sharing your love. As our CEO and Founder, Marci Schankweiler, shared, “Working with our oncological partners throughout the country, it is clearly time for respite to be a focal part of the care every patient and their families receive,” said Marci. “FPS has an ambitious vision to provide our next 10,000 Respite Experiences in just a fifth of that time, expand our reach to 15 states, and to make FPS Respite an ingrained and integral part of the cancer journey.”