In March 2021, FPS embarked on our first ever Virtual Experience and it was more than we could have dreamed! Thank you to the incredible people who lent their talent to this production. We invite you to grab some popcorn and take a look!
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Please enjoy our pre-show
Thank you to our Pre/Post Show performers for sharing their musical talents with the FPS community.
Thank You!
We hope you enjoyed the entertainment and the inspiring stories. A huge shoutout to hundreds of people who made the virtual experience an amazing “event” that portrayed our mission and celebrated the gift of our community! So much happens behind the scenes, from data entry to screen records, script writing to popcorn distribution, that makes an evening like this a success! To all our entertainers and guest appearance stars, you had us on the end of our seats smiling with your talent! To our committee members, chairs, special FPS families, community ambassadors, and “event” volunteers, thank you for being a part of the team and together we are proud!
Recently, I watched a video of a young woman, Sonia Davis, that FPS has helped. She was promoting our event on social media; her words struck me as being so relevant for all of us as we continue running a charity in a pandemic, delivering a mission despite the travel concerns and embarking on the production of virtual event for the first time ever! “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!” (from Galatians)
Thank you all for never giving up…these same words that Pete writes in his final list of “to do’s” in life. (which is printed in full in the electronic program book that is on the website; if you haven’t seen it, you should take a look).
Through our donations, sponsorships, auction bids and raffle, we raised over $335,000 net income! These funds will carry our mission forward sending families away monthly to Woodloch Resort and delivering staycation respites to patients’ homes. Our mission continues, so thank you for your generosity!
Should you want to get involved in FPS, have any comments, or just want to say hello, please reach out to me at or on my cell at 215.416.7489. Together, we change lives.
With gratitude, Marci