Make the FPS Mission Possible in November
Dawn is 53 years old with colon cancer. And she is ready to give back to her family. Dawn was diagnosed in 2020 with colon cancer. After Parkland High School’s Take a Break Club connected her family to For Pete’s Sake, she knew a respite experience is exactly what they needed. With the help of her social worker at Lehigh Valley, Dawn’s family will be taking a break from cancer this November.
With two children to care for, Dawn’s husband has been the backbone of her journey and she believes he, too, deserves the gift of respite.
Being the lead parent for soccer, carpooling, and grocery shopping is one thing, but as the primary caregiver, Dawn’s husband is also “the one who drives me and holds my hand at every appointment or just to rub my back when it hurts.”
Help us reach our $3,000 fundraising goal. You can give Dawn and her family a Travel Respite at Woodloch Resort from November 13 – November 18! Those donating to this campaign will receive a message from Dawn after her respite! Please share her story and ask friends and family to help give this family a break from cancer.
P.S. You can become a Memory Maker and pledge a monthly gift to make our mission possible! 100% of our Memory Maker donations are restricted to providing respites to deserving families each month!