Embracing Presence

 In News

Today, we mark 25 years since the passing of our founder and my late husband, Pete Bossow, Jr.,  the birth of a mission that has touched countless lives: bringing respite to young adult cancer patients and their families. We are deeply grateful to you, our community, for your unwavering support over the past quarter-century. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

25 years ago, Pete knew exactly what was the best medicine in his cancer journey:  the presence of others!

During Pete’s journey with cancer, he cherished one item above all others – the gift of time and the presence of others in his life.  He craved the comfort and connection that came from being with others, especially as he was nearing the end of his life.

To Pete, being present meant to be undistracted and unconditionally focused on those in your physical company.  It meant having focused, uninterrupted conversation, from talking about the latest sports trade to discussing the headline of the local paper.   Sometimes, this conversation explored some heavy subject matter, too, and for Pete, that meant talking about his own mortality, what he was going to miss the most, and his sadness about never experiencing the love of a child or leaving his parents to grieve his loss.  It meant tears of sorrow during an emotional period of discussion or belly laughing with tears of joy that couldn’t stop!

Being present meant playing cards, tackling a board game, and finishing a puzzle with friends– three activities that Pete thoroughly enjoyed those final precious weeks.  Or perhaps it was soaking up the sun on a front porch or watching the televised Phillies in the company of a parent, sibling or friend.   Presence together could also be silence and stillness in the same room, transcended by a powerful emotional connection that could withstand any disruption.

Pete spent the final month of his life embracing presence – being vulnerable, authentic and honest in conversation with those he loved.  That last month, especially this week, 25 years ago, he welcomed people into our cozy Doylestown home to say goodbye.  The conversations were raw, necessary, and helpful in trying to process what was transpiring to a 30-year-old man whose body was being ravished by abnormal cells.

Pete said I love you to so many that final week, and we got to say it back.

Pete knew that the presence of mind, body and spirit was the best gift that could be shared.  He knew that presence is what respite is all about – being beside those you love – to laugh, cry and live!  This is the gift of respite that Pete constructed for others in his final days.  And it is this vision that we so proudly and humbly offer to others in the For Pete’s Sake Respite Experience.

In September, FPS has 28 families traveling on respite – 28 sets of parents, siblings, caregivers, children, and friends who will share the opportunity to be present with one another – without distraction and interruption – to say I love you!  In the end, love is greater than cancer, and the mission of FPS ensures this statement stays true.

As we celebrate this milestone together, we invite you to honor it in a way that resonates with you. Make a gift in memory of a loved one, attend one of our special events, or share your personal story. And let us prepare for the next 25 years – keeping in mind Pete’s mantra to never give up in our quest to bring respite to more and more families! Visit our 25th Anniversary page to learn how you can be part of this cherished moment in our journey.  Here’s to Pete and to each of you who embraced his vision!

With Gratitude,

Marci Bossow Schankweiler
FPS Founder & CEO