Important FPS Program Update to Our Nominators

 In News

March 13, 2020 – For Pete’s Sake response to the COVID-19

We wish to inform you of the For Pete’s Sake response to the COVID-19 outbreak that is currently happening in our country.

We have made the difficult decision to suspend the For Pete’s Sake respite travel program at this time.  We will not be taking any nominations from any oncology professionals for our Travel Respite Program indefinitely, though we will be answering inquiries about Staycation Respite Program and offering access to other ancillary support services as available.

We will also be taking the time to fine-tune our Staycation program, which we call in our office the Take a Break Box for Home.  For the past seven years, we have been sending these boxes to families nominated to our program whose loved one experiences an extreme downturn in health after he/she was scheduled for a cancer respite. Our future plan has always been to make these boxes more readily available, so we have decided there is no better time than now to focus on this aspect of our respite program! Please be on the lookout for more information pertaining to our Staycation program.

Lastly, for the forty families currently scheduled to travel in the next two months, we are working closely with each one of them on a case by case basis to ensure that they all have a meaningful respite in a safe location.

Thank you for your support!

With gratitude,

Marci Schankweiler, CEO/Founder and Brad Minor, FPS Chairperson

If you have questions please feel free to contact Marci directly at (215) 416-7489 or