Inquire About Our Program
Please click here for an important FPS Program Update in response to the COVID-19 outbreak that is currently happening in our country. We have made the difficult decision to suspend the For Pete’s Sake respite travel program at this time. You can still submit an inquiry in regards to our Staycation Respite program. If you have any questions please email
Do you have a friend or loved one who needs a break from cancer? Our mission is to provide adult cancer patients, their caregivers and their children with a break from cancer at one of our respite locations. Respite locations are decided based on availability and we cannot promise a specific respite location when you inquire.
To be considered, a patient must have a physician diagnosis of cancer, be between the ages of 24-55, and be nominated by a health care professional who is a member of the patient’s oncology team. Due to our funding structure, preference is given to patients who reside in PA, NJ, NY, DE or MD.
To learn more about our program, fill out the form below and we’ll follow up within 4 business days.
* These fields are required.